Course Overview

Our cloud devops training program is designed to equip you with the latest knowledge and skills needed to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of cloud computing and devops.

You will learn how to design, implement, and manage cloud infrastructure, automate workflows, and monitor and troubleshoot applications. With our expert instructors and practical, hands-on approach, you’ll gain the real-world experience and confidence you need to excel in your career.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, our cloud devops training is the perfect way to take your skills to the next level.

2 Months

10+ Hours/Week


DevOpsInsiders Certified Professional

Industry Training

Training onmultiple
live projects

31th Jan 2023

Next Batch Starts

Faculty & Industry Instructors


Anshuman is a sought-after speaker and consultant, and has presented at numerous conferences and events around the world. He is a Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert, and is active in the DevOps community, where he is known for his insights, expertise, and commitment to helping others succeed.


Aman is a seasoned DevOps Trainer with over 10 years of experience in the software development and IT industries. With a deep passion for technology and a drive to constantly learn and grow, Aman has become a respected and knowledgeable expert in the field of DevOps.


Ashish is committed to providing his students with hands-on, practical training that is designed to meet their individual needs and goals. He is able to adjust the content and curriculum of his courses to meet the specific requirements of the students, and is always eager to answer questions and provide guidance and support.

Program Overview

 Hands-on Experience: Gain hands-on experience in cloud technologies and DevOps practices through practical exercises and real-world projects.


 Industry-Leading Instructors: Learn from experienced and knowledgeable trainers who have a deep understanding of the DevOps industry.


Comprehensive Syllabus: Benefit from a comprehensive syllabus that covers the latest DevOps technologies, methodologies, and best practices.


Real-World Scenarios: Apply what you’ve learned to real-world scenarios and gain practical skills that can be applied to your current or future job


Collaborative Environment: Collaborate with your peers and instructors in a supportive and dynamic learning environment.


Certification: Upon completion of the course, you will be eligible to receive a DevOps certification, which is recognized in the industry.


Career Opportunities: Enhance your career prospects and become a sought-after professional in the rapidly growing DevOps industry.


24/7 Support: Receive 24/7 support and guidance from our team of experts to help you succeed in the course.


Introduction to DevOps
  • Overview of DevOps and its history
  • Key concepts and principles of DevOps
  • Importance of DevOps in modern software development
  • The role of DevOps in the software development life cycle (SDLC)
  • DevOps tools and technologies
Source Code Management with Git
  • Introduction to Git and version control
  • Setting up a Git repository
  • Basic Git commands and workflows
  • Collaborating with other developers using Git
  • Git branching and merging strategies
  • Managing Git repositories in the cloud (e.g. GitHub, GitLab)
Continuous Integration and Deployment with Jenkins
  • Overview of Jenkins and continuous integration
  • Setting up a Jenkins environment
  • Configuring builds, tests, and deployments in Jenkins
  • Managing and organizing builds in Jenkins
  • Integrating Jenkins with other DevOps tools and technologies
Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
  • Overview of Terraform and infrastructure as code
  • Writing Terraform code to manage infrastructure
  • Managing resources, dependencies, and state in Terraform
  • Integrating Terraform with other DevOps tools and technologies
Containerization with Docker
  • Overview of Docker and containers
  • Setting up a Docker environment
  • Creating and managing Docker images and containers
  • Integrating Docker with other DevOps tools and technologies
Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
  • Overview of Kubernetes and container orchestration
  • Setting up a Kubernetes environment
  • Creating and managing Kubernetes objects (e.g. pods, services, deployments)
  • Integrating Kubernetes with other DevOps tools and technologies
Monitoring and Alerting with Grafana
  • Overview of Grafana and monitoring
  • Setting up a Grafana environment
  • Configuring data sources, dashboards, and alerts in Grafana
  • Integrating Grafana with other DevOps tools and technologies
Configuration Management with Ansible
  • Overview of Ansible and configuration management
  • Writing Ansible playbooks to automate infrastructure and application deployment
  • Managing hosts and inventories in Ansible
  • Integrating Ansible with other DevOps tools and technologies
Project Management with Azure DevOps
  • Overview of Azure DevOps and agile project management
  • Setting up a project in Azure DevOps
  • Configuring work items, boards, and backlogs in Azure DevOps
  • Integrating Azure DevOps with other DevOps tools and technologies
DevOps Best Practices and Case Studies
  • Best practices for DevOps, including continuous delivery, testing, and security
  • Real-world DevOps case studies and examples
  • Discussion of current and future trends in DevOps

Admission Process

Step 1

Take Entrance Exam

Passing our DevOps entrance exam is a requirement for enrollment in our comprehensive training program.

Step 2

Get Shortlisted and receive the Invite

Pass the entrance exam with flying colors and receive your exclusive invitation to join our comprehensive DevOps training program.

Step 3

Block your seat and complete your payment

Block your seat and secure your place in our DevOps training program by paying the course fees.

Download Syllabus Take Entrance Exam


Who should take the DevOps course?

The DevOps course is designed for software developers, IT professionals, and anyone who wants to enhance their DevOps knowledge and skills. It is particularly useful for those who want to advance their careers or move into DevOps-related roles.

How long is the DevOps course?

The duration of the DevOps course varies depending on the specific program, but it typically lasts between 6-8 weeks.

Is there an entrance exam for the DevOps course?

Yes, there is an entrance exam that students must pass in order to be accepted into the DevOps course. This exam is designed to assess students’ current knowledge of DevOps and related technologies.

What kind of support will I receive during the DevOps course?

During the DevOps course, students will receive support from experienced trainers, who are knowledgeable in DevOps and related technologies. Students will also have access to online resources, such as training materials and online forums, for additional support and guidance.

How can the DevOps course help me advance my career?

The DevOps course can help students enhance their DevOps knowledge and skills, which will make them more competitive in the job market. It can also help students prepare for DevOps-related roles and potentially increase their earning potential.

Is there a certification exam after the DevOps course?

Yes, students may choose to take a certification exam after completing the DevOps course. The certification exam is typically optional and may have additional fees associated with it.